
Davide Arcuri is a freelance journalist and filmmaker based in Milan.
Emergency and crisis contexts, social issues and investigations are the focus of his work.
In 2019 he covered the illegal immigration in Côte d'Ivoire.
In 2020 he reported from the Lombardy region on Covid-19 pandemic.
He was awarded the 2021 Guido Vergani journalistic prize as "reporter of the year" together with his colleague Sacha Biazzo for his work "I nuovi senzatetto".
In 2021 Davide Arcuri followed the economic crisis in Lebanon and in late 2021 he was contributor for "Lobby Nera" investigation about the far right lobby in Milan and "I superdiffusori" investigative series about Italian anti-vax movement.
In 2022, when the war in Ukraine started, he reported from the main frontlines of the conflict.
After that he covered the political crisis in Sri Lanka and in late 2022 he produced a short movie about women empowerment and education in South Sudan.
He was one of DOPs of the investigative movie "I Fuorilegge" about mafia infiltration in the politics of the Roman coast together with the investigative journalist Alberto Nerazzini.
He is currently producing a docufilm about Ukraine war together with his colleagues Salvatore Garzillo and Gabriele Micalizzi.
Davide Arcuri's works have been published and broadcast by RAI, Mediaset, La7, RSI, SBS Korea, Fanpage, Il Messaggero and La Stampa. He also worked with the NGOs AVSI and Médecins Sans Frontières.